Monthly Music Lineup At Northside Grille
Here’s a list of bands and events hosted by Northside’s leading music venue—Northside Grille.
4/12, First Animal Response Team; 4/13, Grain Hoppers with Unknown Pleasures; 4/14, The Sweet Potatoes; 4/17, Ramona Martinez; 4.18, Mike Norris and Derelicts of Grace; 4/19, Jonathan Meadows; 4/20, After Porchella Patio Party; 4/21, Caroline Vain; 4/24, Mackenzie Roark; 4/25, Armistead’s Army; 4/28, Willie Williams. Coming in May—Janet Martin, Ramona & The Holy Smokes, Carmen Ann and the Low Down Gamblers, and much more!
Northside Grille
1217 Bellevue Avenue
Richmond, VA 23227