Young rocket men at the BCA Halloween party.
Making their way over to the BCA Halloween Party.
One young man dressed as Che Guevara.
Bellevue Halloween Party
Exactly one week before Halloween, the Bellevue Civic Association (BCA) hosted a Halloween party at Once Upon a Vine on MacArthur Avenue. Treats for the kids, libations for the adults. One local boy dressed as freedom fighter Che Guevara—“the revolutionaries's revolutionary”, and author of the ground-breaking memoir “The Motorcycle Diaries: Notes on a Latin American Journey”. Well over a hundred kids, all in costumes, ushered in the holiday. In all, some 250 people attended the event which was held in the parking lot and the gated rear of the neighborhood’s beer and wine shop. “We are all about giving back to the community,” says Jerry DeVoss, BCA president. The organization recently donated $1500 for the Northside Mural project, and funded a small sitting park, created by Victor Ayala, at the intersection of Bellevue and Fauquier Avenues.