Victor Ayala Completes Masonry on Bellevue’s Latest Addition
Victor Ayala, a master mason and owner of My Outdoor Project, just completed a project that will benefit the entire Bellevue community.
There’s a small triangle of land at the corner of Fauquier and Bellevue avenues that is owned by the city. The parcel was overgrown with weeds and English ivy, privet and small holly saplings. For the better part of a year now, David Lydiard, past president of the Bellevue Civic Association, has been hacking his way through a jungle of red tape to get permission from Richmond that would allow the BCA to do something with this small chunk of land. Finally, just a few weeks ago, the city gave its nod of approval.
“(Third District City Councilman) Chris Hilbert helped a lot to push this through,” said David.
Almost immediately after approval, Victor Ayala was selected as the mason to do the project. “Victor gave us the most competitive bid,” David said. The cost of the project was about $8,500.
Several days before Victor finished the job, I talked with him onsite as his crew was shoveling in a bed of gravel, and raking it smooth. “We did a sidewalk of pavers along the curb and we will build a raised patio,” he told me. “And then we’re going to build a sitting wall, where can sit down and rest. It’s gonna look nice.”
Victor, over the years, has done of landscaping and hardscaping in the Northside and elsewhere in the Richmond metro area. “I’m real happy to be doing this project for the Bellevue community,” he said. “Thank you, Bellevue, for giving me the opportunity to build this.”
Victor Ayala next to the mason work he and his crew have constructed.